Thursday 20 November 2014

Great white shark.

The great white shark is the world's largest known predatory fish. 
It has 300 teeth, yet does not chew its food. 
Sharks rip their prey into mouth-sized pieces which are swallowed whole. 

The shark’s heavy body allows it to swim for long periods of time, and then suddenly switch to high speed bursts in pursuit of prey—sometimes leaping out of the water. 
It feeds on a vast selection of prey, from small fish to large seals and dolphins.
They are considered vulnerable.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Great Plains Wolf (Buffalo Wolf)

Canis lupus nubilus
This is a Great Plains Wolf or also know as Buffalo wolf.
(The image is from )

Wolves were once common in the US, But now it is endangered and was once thought extinct! Wolves are one of my favourite animals as they are so beautiful, so successful in what they do and just so hardy.

The Great Plains wolf will eat deer, moose, hares, small birds, and varoius rodents.,

Wolves travel in packs of 5 or 6 wolves on average and they all work together when they hunt.

This image shows three wolves hunting.
(It's from )

Luckily these beautiful creatures numbers are increasing, but they are still classed as endangered.

These are two buffalo wolves.
(From )

These are so gorgeous, I think it's horrible when you type them into google images you get loads of pictures of dead ones and their hunters. It isn't humain we don't need to kill these creatures for food so why kill them at all. There are so many lovely animals on this planet why do we kill them so we can't see them again. Save them for your children to admire, Alive. Not stuffed or in pictures or drawings!

Don't let these beauty's be remembered with the Dodo and the dinosaurs!!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Brown Bears

Most Endangered Bear Species List Released
This is  a brown bear.  The picture is from the national geographic website.

Brown bears are one of my favourite bears. But unfortunately they are endangered, (well they'd have to be because that's what my blog is all about) brown bears are beautiful.

(Also from National Geographic)

But I mean seriously? There animals are so gorgeous why would you want to harm them?!


All of the animals on this blog are beautiful in their own way, Panda's are just adorable, Blue whales are so graceful, tigers are just so majestic and monkeys are just so cheekily cute. I don't really think I need to elaborate any more, you get the idea.

Back to the bears, lucky for them they are quite spread out in where they live and the numbers are slowly on the increase but, the bears that live near humans are getting poached.

Brown bears tend to avoid humans and will only attack if they feel threatened, but when they do they are the fiercest. and most dangerous of all bears.

Brown bears are omnivores, they eat both meat and plants. They would be big enough to take down elk and the like but most brown bears will eat mostly plants. But they like fish, especially salmon. But in general if it's edible they will eat it.

Most of a bears life is spend on its own. As the bears only predator is humans they have no need to be in packs.

Brown bears in the wild will live around 15 to 34 years but if kept in captivity it's 47 years.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Leatherback turtle.


Those two are leatherback turtles and are very cute and also very threatened by extinction.
They are considered vulnerable.
The Leatherback is the largest of all living turtles. and also the fourth heaviest modern reptile behind three crocodilians.
They can grow up to 2 metres long!!
Leatherback turtles don't have a shell, they have an oily skin instead.
These reptilians are the only remaining ancestors of a family of turtles that traces its evolutionary roots back more than a million years. We should save this last ancestor from the same fate as the rest of it's family.
The leatherback turtle population is declining rapidly in many parts of the world.
Leatherbacks can dive to depths of 4,200 feet (1,280 metres)-deeper than any other turtle- and can stay down for up to 85 minutes.


Leatherbacks and other turtles like eating jelly fish and often get plastic bags confused with them and the bag gets stuck in their gut.

(From tumblr)

Also they can get stuck in fishing nets.


The little Dodo bird.

The little dodo bird is fast becoming the large dodo bird. It'll be extinct soon IF people don't help extinct animals. I really hope my blog is helping people to realise this. Surely people don't want to be explaining to the next generations why we didn't try to help save cute little beautiful  birds (like the little dodo bird) and lovely leopards (like the Amur leopards. There are only 35 left, I can't say that enough times. ONLY 35 left. I'm sorry about that there. ;). ) and the amazing apes ( like Orang-utans and gorillas) of this world. And I could go on showing off my alteratory skills, but I can't be bothered, and anyway I've got to tell you about the little dodo bird. As I'm sure you are bursting with excitement to hear about. ;)

So the little dodo bird, I think it's quite cute and I didn't know there were any left so I'm glad there ARE some left and we didn't eat them all!
Here is a picture so you can absorb the cuteness:


They live in Samoa and are 12 inches (31cm) long. and they are related to the more well known (but extinct) Dodo bird. And unfortunately the same fate is predicted for these little birds if more people don't realise, and have a "sh*t, actually lets not make the same mistake twice," moment. But there are a few hundred left so they are endengered but it's not too late! If people realised then this lovely species can be saved. 
So all hope is not lost!


But the population is declining at an alarming rate, so the hope I've just give you has partly gone. The reason for this is because of habitat loss and illegal hunting. If when you were a child you remember your parents telling you that, " The naughty pirates came to the island and ate up all the Dodos. Gobble-gobble-gobble they went till they were all gone!" (I bet you remember that, come on think.;) Maybe not in those words though!!) Anyway people hunted the 'big' Dodo bird and now people are hunting the little Dodo bird.
There are not many wild Dodo birds any more. Some are in captivity. (The  first photo is of one in captivity.)

OMG, I know that is not entirely relevant to this page but still. I want it!! ;)
Oh yeah and ( from amazon)

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

This animal is so endangered it might actually be extinct.
The Ivory-billed Woodpecker lives-or lived-in the South-eastern part of the united states as well as Cuba.  
It was considered extinct until 2004 when there were reports of the Woodpecker in Arkansas and Florida.
But now there are no more reports and no one is sure if they are extinct or not. If they are not extinct there is only and tiny population. Even less than the Amur leopard (approx. 35 left. :(. )


The reason the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is extinct is due to logging and because humans wanted the feathers of the beautiful bird.

( From


That is a male Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. ( Above)

White tigers.

I think they are just utterly adorable!

( From

White tigers live in tropical areas of south east Asia and some regions of Africa and Russia.
Some people say there is less than 6000 left in the wild and that number is decreasing rapidly. :(
Eastern medicines use parts of the tigers body. More than 50 types of medicines are exported worldwide. and bones are also considered valuable.

( From

Sooo cute. and such a shame they are endangered. :'(

The reason whit tigers are white is because there is a rare pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, So basically the white tiger is the Bengal tiger's cousin.

In Britain the largest 'collection' (for want of a better word.) of white tigers is at West Midlands Safari Park. In the safari park they are doing research into white tigers and they are also apparently looking into white lions.