Sunday 24 August 2014

White tigers.

I think they are just utterly adorable!

( From

White tigers live in tropical areas of south east Asia and some regions of Africa and Russia.
Some people say there is less than 6000 left in the wild and that number is decreasing rapidly. :(
Eastern medicines use parts of the tigers body. More than 50 types of medicines are exported worldwide. and bones are also considered valuable.

( From

Sooo cute. and such a shame they are endangered. :'(

The reason whit tigers are white is because there is a rare pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, So basically the white tiger is the Bengal tiger's cousin.

In Britain the largest 'collection' (for want of a better word.) of white tigers is at West Midlands Safari Park. In the safari park they are doing research into white tigers and they are also apparently looking into white lions.

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