Monday 24 June 2013

Amur Leopards

Armur leopards are Definatley endangered because there are only 35 left in the wild due to deforestation, Climate change,illegal wildlife trade and many more, they are really cute you just feel life you have to help them.


Poaching and habitat destruction push this leopard close to the edge.
Here are some pics of them when they were cubs:

( from

( from


Sunday 23 June 2013

Oriental white-backed Vulture

This is a Oriental white-backed Vulture, their wings can span 2.6 meters.The White-backed Vulture is a typical vulture, with only down feathers on the head and neck, very broad wings and short tail feathers. It has a white neck ruff. The adult’s whitish back contrasts with the otherwise dark plumage. Juveniles are largely dark. This is a medium-sized vulture; its body mass is 4.2 to 7.2 kilograms (9.3–16 lb), it is 78 to 98 cm (31 to 39 in) long.
Here are some pics of the chicks:

And one of a nest:

There are only 50 to 70 of these animals left in the wild.
It has suffered a population decline.

Hainan black-crested Gibbon

This is a Hainan black-crested Gibbon, they are found only on the Chinese island of Hainan. At one time there were around 2,000 of these lovely animals, but now there are only about 25 left due to hunting, deforestation and pine plantations they are CRITICALLY ENDANGERED!!!
The most endangered primate in the world to be exact this is terrible in my eyes because they are so cute look at them when they were little babies,

Awwwwwwwwwwwww doesn't it make you want to help them when you see these pics!


Proboscis Monkey

This is a proboscis Monkey.
Notice its nose it uses it to make a loud honking noise and also to attract females it's a loud nasal call:

It can grow up to TEN centimeters long(about four to five inches long!)
Their big pot bellies help them digest the food that they eat.
There are only 7,oo left.

Saturday 22 June 2013


Now you may think gorillas are a bit like horrible yobs but inside they are real softies check them out when they were cute little balls of fur:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, huh.Well check out this:
See they are cute little sweethearts.
Gentle, peaceful & shy are the words that describe gorillas. Gorillas in the mountains & eastern lowland areas are totally vegetarian & eat leaves, fruits, & stems like bamboo. On the other hand, gorillas in the Western lowlands eat small invertebrates & insects apart from plants. It’s anticipated that approximately 80% of gorilla population’s extinct, because of the destruction of their habitat, humans hunting them down & diseases as a result of Ebola virus.


Manatee's are very gentle animals that eat plants & are sometimes called “sea cows”. They've got a thick-skin which is streamlined & their bodies are almost hairless with forelimbs modified like flippers. Their tails are horizontally-flattened & enlarged. In the United States, only 2,500 of this species are left. They eat semi-aquatic & aquatic plants like turtle grass, manatee grass, algae, water hyacinths & mangrove leaves.Manatees can be found in warm tropical and subtropical waters. These animals can only survive in water at the temperature of 68 degrees or lower.
Here is a few pics:

Here is a Manatee swimming:

Here is a Manatee eating sea grass and lettuce:

Here is a baby Manatee with its mother:


This is an Orangutan, Apparently one of the ones in the wild, but tell me something  why is there a rope in the background, this out of many images on Google images that come up when you type in "Orangutans in the wild" this is because the orangutan population has been falling to levels BELOW 15-25,000 individuals.The numbers in Sumatra were also low, some 5-7,000 with the remaining 10-20,000 in Borneo. Here is a few pics of ORANGUTANS IN THE WILD!


You may think of me as an little old woman sitting in the corner of her living room writing this, but no I am a 13 year old child concerned about the wildlife numbers on the planet, so please take a minute to read my blog and hopefully you will feel the same way I do about the nearly extinct animals on the planet,
Thank you,
Oh and please leave comments I'd love to hear what you think!

P.S- and the photos are all off the internet they are not my own.