Saturday 22 June 2013


Manatee's are very gentle animals that eat plants & are sometimes called “sea cows”. They've got a thick-skin which is streamlined & their bodies are almost hairless with forelimbs modified like flippers. Their tails are horizontally-flattened & enlarged. In the United States, only 2,500 of this species are left. They eat semi-aquatic & aquatic plants like turtle grass, manatee grass, algae, water hyacinths & mangrove leaves.Manatees can be found in warm tropical and subtropical waters. These animals can only survive in water at the temperature of 68 degrees or lower.
Here is a few pics:

Here is a Manatee swimming:

Here is a Manatee eating sea grass and lettuce:

Here is a baby Manatee with its mother:

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